
MEDU Course Descriptions

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MEDU 506 Research in Effective Teaching

3 credit hours

This 3 semester-hour course will focus on analysis and investigation of current research in effective teaching methods as related to specific subject and focus areas in k-12 education. Specific methods relating to subject matter, learning styles and effective teaching practices and strategies will be studied and applied. Students will have an opportunity to thoroughly investigate best practice philosophies and methodologies in k- 12 education. Participants will benefit from interacting with each other concerning issues of best practices in teaching, implementation of best practices, and examining solutions to educational issues in k-12 education.

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MEDU 510 Foundations of Educational Practice

2 credit hours

Students will be introduced to the six "lenses" of the EDFL Conceptual Framework and Professional Dispositions. Each student will develop a deeper understanding of personal vocation and mission in light of this overall framework by engaging each of these "lenses" to evaluate their current dispositions and work. The intent is for each student to establish a foundation of self-understanding and to become a self-reflective and analytical practitioner and learner.

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MEDU 519 Practicum

1-10 credit hou

Must be approved by advisor. A supervised practicum for students adding a content area endorsement, age authorization level, the higher education specialization, or student teaching to complete the Initial Teaching License in the license-only program. Students teach and evaluate lessons, assess student achievement, and evaluate themselves. Work samples will be implemented and evaluated. Prerequisite: approval of the MEd director.

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MEDU 520 Curriculum and Assessment

3 credit hours

This course will focus on designing curriculum units and instructional plans for a standards-based curriculum while utilizing research-based best practices for teaching, learning and assessment. There will be an emphasis on the development and implementation of an integrated interdisciplinary unti for the candidate's specific teaching or educational assignment that utilizes concept-based curriculum strategies and instructional techniques to "teach beyond the facts for the thinking classroom." In addition, students will be participating in a Professional Learning Community that will focus in on a data collection cycle to inform and evaluate practice. Students will develop assessment instruments and procedures that relate to their own disciplines. Current methods of formative assessment - including portfolios, rubrics, and other forms of authentic assessment - will guide and inform discussions.

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MEDU 530 Overview of Qualitative and Quantitative Research Methodology

3 credit hours

This course will introduce students conceptually to research as a way of thinking for classroom or school improvement. As consumers of research, students will learn to search databases, analyze data, identify and summarize results to inform educational decisions. Students will be exposed to both qualitative and quantitative research paradigms, and begin to develop a literature review for their research project.

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MEDU 540 Action Research I

2 credit hours

This course is designed to develop conceptual and technical skills needed for designing and implementing action research studies in classrooms, schools, and other educational settings. The focus is on the following: observing and recording behavior in school settings; problem definition and focus; sampling; data storage and retrieval systems; and trustworthiness of action research. Emphasis is placed on defining and investigating problems which require the educator to investigate strategies for improving their practice and student learning. Prerequisite: MEDU 530, Overview of Qualitative and Quantitative Research Methodology.

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MEDU 541 Action Research II

2 credit hours

This course is part two of the master's research project in which the student continues to work under the direction of the advising professor. In this final stage the student completes a written paper, publishes the work on an open-source site, and publicly presents results of the research project.

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MEDU 542 Master's Project Research II

1-2 credit hour

Research for and preparation of master's thesis or action research project. This course provides additional credit for extra research above and beyond that required for the thesis.

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MEDU 543 Ethics & Equity in Educational Leadership

3 credit hours

This course examines how belief structures undergird the methods educators use to motivate people to learn. Through the light of ethical theory, students examine how organizational leaders respond to the situations they face. Students also reflect on and apply their own values and ethical understanding to shed light on case studies that represent situations they often face as educational leaders. Meets EDDL 700.

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MEDU 565 Capstone

1-3 credit hour

This course is designed to permit the student to analyze, reflect on, and communicate to university and school stakeholders the summary of individual and organizational learning outcomes as a result of participation in the degree program. Students will utilize their practicum experience, their portfolio of evidence, and key learning experiences from coursework to design and present their findings, conclusions and recommendations on leadership principles and practices impacting their organization as the culminating activity in the program. The capstone is variable credit and may be done in one, two, or three semesters, however, the last one hour unit must be completed concurrently or at the conclusion of ADMN 549.

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MEDU 685 Selected Topics in Foundational Perspectives

1-3 credit hour

These courses are developed to provide the educator with in-depth knowledge on specific issues that affect organizational success. Examples of possible courses include: Minority Education in Cross-cultural Perspective; Biography: Portraits of Teaching, Learning, and Culture

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