
Master of Arts in Teaching Plus ESOL Endorsement


The Master of Arts in Teaching (MAT) Plus ESOL Endorsement program is designed to provide a future teacher with the content and methods necessary to be an effective teacher. Thematic strands such as critical thinking, curriculum, classroom management, cultural proficiency, and technology are integrated throughout the curriculum. The themes add qualities to the program that are not reflected in single courses but are interwoven throughout the curriculum. The form of the teacher education program includes a purposeful use of current research findings on the education of teachers as translated into practical experiences and methodologies.

The program is available to individuals who have completed an undergraduate BA or BS degree in a field other than education.

Degree Outcomes

Educational Objectives

To enable students to:

  • Build on their knowledge of subject matter as they develop pedagogical skills and research methodologies
  • Gain knowledge about the psychological, sociological, historical, and philosophical foundations of education
  • Apply these understandings in early childhood, elementary, middle, and secondary classrooms
  • Successfully meet the challenges of classroom teaching

Professional Objectives

To enable students to:

  • Meet the federal government's "No Child Left Behind" definition of a "highly qualified teacher"
  • Earn the ESOL or ESOL/Bilingual Specialist Endorsement
  • Receive an Oregon Preliminary Teaching License upon completion of the program and passing scores on the appropriate standardized measures (Content specific ORELA for secondary and middle-level licensure and ORELA for elementary licensure and middle-level authorization)

The Preliminary Teaching License may bear endorsements in the following areas: advanced and basic mathematics, art, basic mathematics,* biology, chemistry, drama, health education, integrated science, language arts, music, physical education, physics, social studies, and *Spanish.

*These subjects may be added to another endorsement for high school applicants; integrated science and basic math may stand alone for elementary/middle school applicants.

Admission Requirements

Applicants seeking admission to the MAT Plus ESOL Endorsement program must hold a four-year baccalaureate degree from an accredited college or university, with a minimum GPA of 3.0 in the last two years of coursework. In addition, applicants must complete the following to be considered for admission to the program:

  • Master of arts in teaching application and application fee
  • Submit one official transcript from each college/university attended
  • Completion of the character reference statement required by Oregon TSPC
  • Two recommendations
  • An individual interview with the MAT Admission Committee

If accepted into the program, a $200 enrollment deposit is required.  Deadline for application is February 1 for Summer start, June 1 for Fall start, and October 1 for Spring start.  Applications may be reviewed after those dates on a space-available basis. Preference will be given to those candidates who have had experience in schools working with students in their desired authorization level as well as to those candidates who have passed the appropriate ORELA exam.

Prior to full-time student teaching, students must have taken and passed the appropriate ORELA exam.  If a student has not completed this requirement, she/he may apply for an exception; however, if an exception is granted and the student does not pass the required exams prior to graduation, the director will not sign any official documents recommending the student as a candidate for licensure in Oregon or any other state.

Transfer Credit

No transfer credit is allowed toward the MAT Plus ESOL Endorsement program. Transferability of credits earned at this institution and transferred to another is at the discretion of the receiving institution. Consult the Registrar's Office for information on eligibility of transfer credit.

Residence Requirements

All 47 hours required for the MAT Plus ESOL Endorsement program must be taken in resident study at 皇家华人 Fox University. Reinstatement to the program after withdrawal requires Admissions Committee action and may subject the student to additional requirements for the degree.

Course Requirements

The Master of Arts in Teaching Plus ESOL Endorsement program is generally 1-2 years in length with 47 semester hours of coursework required as a minimum for graduation. 

Other Degree Requirements

The program structure will be characterized by:

Cohort Model
Students will work in cohorts of 15 to 20 students. Cohorts will include early childhood, elementary, middle, and secondary levels. Cohorts are both blended and authorization-specific. Although they are separate cohorts, they will be blended together for certain experiences and courses.

Theory-Into-Practice Links
Practicum experiences will be a large component of the program, beginning with either an enrichment program planned and implemented by the students or a specific volunteer experience. The involvement in a variety of practicum experiences will provide preservice teachers with opportunities to apply learning from coursework. University faculty, cooperating teachers, and administrators from local districts will be involved in collaborative efforts to plan links between coursework and application in classrooms.

Action Research

A professional educator portfolio will be completed to support students in licensing and professional educator requirements.

Thematic Strands
Major strands, such as cultural proficiency, values, action research, and decision making, will be incorporated throughout the professional courses. Other topics such as classroom management and technology will also be integrated with several of the professional courses.

Study of the Subject Matter Knowledge and Structure
Students will research and discuss the nature and structure of the subject areas while concentrating on their major subject. They will engage in interdisciplinary discussions that will allow them to discern relationships between the subject areas.

The ability to reflect on learning about teaching and on the practice of teaching will be developed in small- and large-group discussions, in journal entries, in papers, and in conferences with supervisors and cooperating teachers.

Endorsement Courses
Endorsement courses are completed after the core courses have been completed and the candidate is eligible for licensure.  Some exceptions may be made. 

Graduation Requirements

In order to graduate with a Master of Arts in Teaching degree Plus ESOL Endorsement students must:

  • Satisfactorily complete a minimum of 47 semester hours with a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or above.
  • Achieve no grade lower than a B in all core courses. If a grade of a B- or lower is received in a designated course, that course must be retaken (for more specific information, please refer to the student handbook).
  • Pass appropriate exams to be recommended for licensure.
  • Pass Praxis content area exam.
  • Complete ESOL endorsement work sample.
  • Complete a successful ESOL endorsement practicum experience.

Curriculum Plan

Complete the following:
This course focuses on professionalism, purpose of education, educational law, policy, ethics and the place of technology in the field. The course includes instruction on mandatory reporting. Reflection upon professional identity and dispositional development will be facilitated.
This course provides a framework grounded in cultural humility for approaching diverse students and communities. Issues surrounding race, ethnicity, culture, and the qualities needed for cultural competency, and inclusion are explored. IEP鈥檚 and 504 information as well as EL foundations and supports are addressed (introduced) in this course. Specific skills for facilitating learning for all students from an asset based perspective are explored.
This course prepares candidates to meet the curricular and instructional needs of all students including exceptional learners. Candidates learn lesson design and instructional planning. Differentiated curriculum and instructional strategies are explored. Accommodations and modifications are made operational in unit and lesson design. This course also incorporates and reinforces best practices in assessment design and implementation. Candidates focus on creating and using assessments that measure growth toward standard-based outcomes. Using student data as appropriate, candidates develop plans for differentiation and intervention.
This course continues to prepare candidates to meet the curricular and instructional needs of all students including exceptional learners. Candidates learn lesson design and instructional planning. Differentiated curriculum and instructional strategies are explored. Accommodations and modifications are made operational in unit and lesson design. This course also incorporates and reinforces best practices in assessment design and implementation. Candidates focus on creating and using assessments that measure growth toward standard-based outcomes. Using student data as appropriate, candidates develop plans for differentiation and intervention.
This course examines human development from an intellectual, social, emotional and physical perspective. Foundations in developmental and learning theory and their connections to development are explored. Foundational knowledge of exceptionalities is reinforced. Foundational knowledge necessary to understanding exceptionalities of all kinds is built.
This practicum will be completed at either multiple subject or single subjects endorsement area. Candidate demonstrates success in multiple performance and dispositional assessments. Additional course fee required.
This course studies positive learning environment strategies including procedures, routines, and clear expectations that allow educators to shape context with students in the clinical practice. Problem solving simulations are grounded in both observations and educational theory.
This course is designed to prepare the professional educator for the field. It will include design and submission of a portfolio and professional preparation.
Complete one of the following Specializations:
Single Subject Specialization
A study of instructional strategies and the design, implementation, and evaluation of curriculum for content-specific secondary classrooms. The pattern of course topics presented includes the nature of content knowledge, general pedagogical methods, subject-specific pedagogical methods, and integrated pedagogical methods. Inclusion emphasis. For single subject endorsement candidates, this course offers an intensive exploration of pedagogical practices within the content area.
A study of instructional strategies and the design, implementation, and evaluation of curriculum for content-specific secondary classrooms. The pattern of course topics presented includes the nature of content knowledge, general pedagogical methods, subject-specific pedagogical methods, and integrated pedagogical methods. Inclusion emphasis. For single subject endorsement candidates, this course offers an intensive exploration of pedagogical practices within the content area.
This course is designed to introduce the concepts of literacy as defined by the integrated processes of reading, writing, speaking, listening, and interacting with oneself and others within the content area. An emphasis on ELL, language acquisition, assessment, RTI, and Sped with emphasis on high incidence disabilities in language development are reinforced as integral to the content.
Note: (Single Subjects Specialization students will enroll in MATG 555 Secondary Content Pedagogy according to their specific content area: advanced math, art, biology, chemistry, drama, ELA [English Language Arts], health, integrated science, mathematics, music, PE, physics, social studies, or Spanish.
Multiple Subjects Specialization
This course focuses on research-based, best practices of science and STEAM (science, technology, engineering, arts, and mathematics) education at the early childhood/elementary and middle school (EC/EL/MS) levels. In this course, teacher candidates develop pedagogical knowledge and skills around the three-dimensional, inquiry-based learning aspect of the Next Generation Science Standards and integrative STEAM curriculum and assessments that foster student centered and inclusive STEAM learning experiences and honors the diversity of all learners.
This course seeks to integrate effective mathematics teaching and learning pedagogies within the framework of the common core state standards. The development of personal understanding of mathematical concepts and processes is emphasized; this process requires the student to expand his/her own learning beyond the course assignments to examine the relationships between mathematical concepts and the real world. Teaching mathematics effectively to diverse learners is emphasized. The course is interactive and dependent upon student participation.
This course is designed to focus on the foundations and pedagogical methods of literacy including reading, writing, speaking and listening. In the context of teaching diverse populations, course topics encompass instructional strategies, pedagogical methods, research, engagement, literacy curriculum, implementation, and assessment. An emphasis is placed on inclusion, Dyslexia, ELL, language acquisition, and RTI.
Complete the following:
Examines the fundamental elements, processes, and patterns of oral and written language for the teacher of English to speakers of other languages. Topics include phonetics, phonology, sociolinguistics, pragmatics, morphology, orthography and writing conventions, syntax, semantics, and discourse analysis. English is the primary focus of the course, with reference to other languages commonly spoken by students in Oregon classrooms.
Examines various factors, concepts, and theories about first and second language acquisition processes and their interrelationships. The course also focuses on the application of this knowledge in ESOL classes for maximizing ESOL students' language development and academic achievement. Prerequisite or concurrent enrollment in EDFL 570.
Examines the diverse and dynamic role of culture in the ESOL students' language development and academic achievement. The course also emphasizes the application of this knowledge for instruction and the involvement of community and its resources for maximizing ESOL students' academic achievement.
Examines strategies for planning, managing, and teaching English as a second language and discipline-focused content to ESOL students. Emphasis is placed on curriculum, teaching, and learning approaches that accommodate a diverse population within the classroom. This course also focuses on strategies for collaborating with educators and community members in order to provide comprehensive, challenging educational opportunities for ESOL students.
Examines principles, issues, and approaches useful for assessing the English competencies of ESOL students. Emphases are placed on developing appropriate assessment tools for the ESOL classroom and on properly interpreting tests that are used for program placement.
A supervised practicum in an approved school demonstrating knowledge and strategies developed in the ESOL courses. Candidates set goals for professional growth in the English-language teaching field. Prerequisites: successful completion of all required ESOL courses (or their equivalent).