
Communication Minor

Minor Requirements

21 credit hours

Complete the following:
A presentation of key principles of persuasion as they are reflected in typical organizational communication contexts. Focus on developing a planning sequence that will function as a practical guide for designing, executing, and evaluating communication events. Students will be expected to develop a "real world" communication event, e.g., publicity campaign, speech, newsletter. Prerequisite: COMM 111 Communication in Society or equivalent.
Theoretical and reflective study and guided experience in dyadic and small-group communication, with attention given to interpersonal communication, listening behavior, nonverbal communication, and conflict resolution. Additional course fee is required.
Survey of the historical development of newspapers, magazines, broadcast media, and cinema. Analysis of the role(s) of mass media in shaping and altering opinion and values in contemporary culture.
Choose one of the following:
A study of the major sources of communication theory (e.g., meaning theory, humanistic psychology, symbolic interactionism, relational theory, information processing) together with specific contemporary exemplifications of each approach. Special focus is on the nature and progress of scientific inquiry in communication theory. Prerequisite: 6 hours of communication or cinematic arts ourses, including COMM 111 Communication in Society.
Methods of rhetorical criticism as applied to public communication of the past and present, including but not limited to speeches, broadcasts, films, and campaigns. Analysis of current trends in rhetorical criticism. Prerequisite: junior standing or above.
Choose one of the following:
A course designed to introduce students to the nature and function of gender differences in communication on a cross-cultural basis. Examines biological, cultural, linguistic, and power theories that attempt to explain these differences. Focus given to verbal (spoken and written) language as well as nonverbal communication codes. Counts toward globalization requirement.
This covers communication as it affects and is affected by language and culture. Topics include contextualized use of communication within speech communities, intercultural effectiveness, cultural communication theory, competent intercultural experiences in co-cultures (ethnic, gender, intergenerational, deaf, etc.) and global cultural groups. A student may not earn credit for both the lower-division and upper-division versions of this course.
Choose two of the following:
A course designed to introduce and develop a clear concept of public relations as a communication profession. Topics to be covered include the function of public relations in both public and private enterprises; the process of planning and implementing a public relations communication campaign; techniques for communicating with various publics; and the laws and ethics governing the practice of public relations.
This course is an introduction to quantitative and qualitative research methods commonly used in the field of communication and in social science in general.
An examination of organizations from a communication vantage point. Combines study of theoretical perspectives with skill development. Students will build organizational communication competencies through understanding the nature of communication in the organizational context and by practicing effective communication skills. Possible topics include communication networks and climates, superior-subordinate relationships, computer-mediated communication, organizational identification, communication audits, group and team communication, interviewing, meetings, and presentations.
A course that examines and applies theories of small-group structures, climate, roles, leadership, motivation, and conflict management. Prerequisite: COMM 111 Communication in Society or equivelent course.
A course in practical reason. Includes a survey of theories of argumentation, analysis of public arguments, and several speeches, including a debate. Prerequisite: COMM 111 Communication in Society or instructor's permission.
This is an advanced study of organizational communication. Topics include, but are not limited to, organizational storytelling, communication technologies, career theory, power and resistance in organizations, and impression management. Students will be encouraged to recognize ways organizational communication can be improved through their everyday interactions. Prerequisite: COMM 270 Introduction to Organizational Communication or consent of instructor.