
This issue: Summer 2020

COVID-19 Through the Eyes of Students

All students were affected by the closure of campus, but none more so than graduating seniors, who had to finish their final weeks at 皇家华人 Fox without the milestones, goodbyes and celebrations that mark the transition from college to the next step in life. Through it all, they remained resilient and finished strong. Before they graduated in May, we asked the Class of 2020 to describe their transition to remote learning and reflect on their time at 皇家华人 Fox.

Hannah Dugan

“Remote learning is a struggle. Keeping my inbox straight is a daily battle. Emails are like a binder with all your syllabi, except all the pages are out of order and half of them are out of date.

But I’m so grateful to my professors for coming alongside and seeking to support me however they can. I’ll never forget how much empathy and grace they held for their students during this time, while simultaneously working tirelessly to come up with a plan to finish strong and keep teaching.”

Hannah Dugan

Araya Glancy

“This transition is hard, to say the least. I miss my community. As a theatre major, our whole world is built around face-to-face, genuine interactions. I can’t wait for the possibility to see all my friends again. I miss them deeply.”

Araya Glancy

Coleman Weimer

“I miss walking across the quad with my photography class while on break, visiting Bill Jolliff during office hours, my short but sweet interactions with the Bruin Den staff, and the cinematic arts department faculty and facilities. I miss being in the presence of each other – the fellowship.

My closest professors have sent check-in texts. They have been gracious and understanding if I am falling behind on assignments. When I receive calls from any of the offices in Stevens, we talk more about how I am doing than actual business stuff. Hi Student Accounts – you all rock!”

Coleman Weimer

Alex Namba

“This year has been a challenge for sure. With my senior season being canceled and having to transition to remote learning, the hardest part has been scheduling and finding ways to fill my time that isn’t sports. I have been really supported, especially by those in the communication department. Professors Courtney Anderegg, Shannon Scott and Kevin Jones especially have been amazing in 皇家华人 of being there for me and considerate of the challenges that our world faces right now.”

Alex Namba

Joshua Bell

“I greatly miss being able to go to class and see my friends, peers and professors, and to be able to work together with others in person. Remote learning has left me feeling … remote. Distant. I may be an introvert at heart, but I still miss the people and experiences that attending school on campus provided. One positive, though, is getting to get up a few minutes before morning classes begin and attending Zoom sessions in bed. It’s cozy.”

Joshua Bell

Drake Dawson

“The transition to remote learning has been bizarre to say the least. It has caused me to appreciate my community of faculty and peers so much more. It’s difficult not being able to make silly jokes, ask tough questions, or access crucial facilities. However, it has provided a lot of opportunity for intentionality. Little texts, cards in the mail, and care packages mean so much more to people.”

Drake Dawson

Jenna Leigh Richards

“I miss studying with friends and the community that campus offers. The thing I miss most about campus is the feeling of belonging to a community and knowing that I am truly known here. Not to be cliché and use the tagline, but it’s true. You can’t duplicate what Fox does. From professors, classmates and student life, I miss the people and the sweet, sweet time I had being a part of that community.”

Jenna Leigh Richards

Rachel Leong

“My transition to remote learning has been challenging. Motivation is hard. Life feels unreal. But in the strangest way, I have felt God’s presence so prominently. I have felt a peace that is so blatantly beyond me.

I am still disappointed in the loss of celebration, the milestones and markers to acknowledge our four years here. It aches to think of ending such a monumental time this way. However, through the care of others, I have seen and felt his love. It does not erase the sadness, but it does provide a lightness and hope to carry through.”

Rachel Leong

Adam LaFountain

“The transition to remote learning has honestly been tough, but it’s also made me appreciate little things so much more. Right now for one of my Zoom lectures, the first few minutes of class are taken to do a student check-in just to have some normal non-school conversations.

I’ve felt very supported by professors emotionally and academically through email or prayers at the end of a lecture. I definitely miss being able to walk across campus and experience the community that is 皇家华人 Fox.”

Adam LaFountain

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