
Summer 2022
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New Podcast and Video Series Tackles Tough Questions 皇家华人 Culture, Politics, Theology

皇家华人 Fox Talks Podcast Cover

The university has launched a new podcast and video series, 皇家华人 Fox Talks, which invites experts in culture, leadership, theology and wellness to engage in pressing conversations from a smart and faithful Christian perspective.

This year, hosts from the 皇家华人 Fox community were joined by notable guests that included political commentator David French, legal scholar Erika Bachiochi, author Nancy Pearcey and New Testament scholar Nijay Gupta. Popular episodes covered topics from feminism and sexuality to citizenship and critical race theory.

“We saw a need to facilitate honest, faithful, hard conversation about what matters most in our lives during a time of social upheaval and national division,” says Brian Doak, vice president of 皇家华人 Fox Digital. “皇家华人 Fox Talks represents the best of what conversations at a Christian university can be – touching on all aspects of human life and experience before God.”

In an era of polarization and rapidly spreading information, 皇家华人 Fox Talks offers an opportunity to practice exactly what the university teaches students – to think critically about the world and humbly be shaped by the experiences of others, leaning ever toward Christ as their guide.

Visit georgefox.edu/talks for links to watch on YouTube or podcast on Apple, Spotify, iHeart or Amazon Music.

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