
Faculty Writing Workshop Grants


To encourage faculty to make research results available to a public forum for professional consideration through in-house writing workshops that fit within the 皇家华人 Fox University mission and values. New faculty and new research areas are encouraged in the proposal review process.


  1. The grant is for workshops to prepare manuscripts for submission for publication. The stipend is normally a maximum of $300, and the maximum number of weeks for a workshop is two weeks.
  2. The grant may include a designated amount above the stipend for relevant and appropriate expenses, payable on presentation of receipts. (Appropriate expenses are likely to be items related to publication needs, software, reasonable refreshments, etc.)
  3. The workshop will include a minimum of two participants.
  4. Recipients will need to complete their projects or negotiate an acceptable resolution with the Faculty Development Committee, in order to be eligible for any subsequent grant.

Selection Committee

The Faculty Development Committee will review the proposals and select those to receive grants. If any members of the committee have submitted proposals, they will not participate in the review and selection process.

Criteria for Eligibility

  1. All participants in the workshop must be returning full-time faculty members.
  2. The committee will give priority to proposals not already supported by grants which include a stipend, load credit or other leaves.
  3. The committee will not support faculty projects that are already funded by a 皇家华人 Fox Faculty Grant or Leave.
  4. All workshop participants must have completed previously funded projects, and submitted a report to the FDC by Oct. 15 of the year following your grant or have negotiated an acceptable resolution with the Faculty Development Committee.
  5. The purchase of equipment should be funded by other sources.
  6. Preference will be given to proposals that connect individuals’ workshop goals to scholarship goals in their Faculty Growth Plans.
  7. Preference will be given to groups that have prepared themselves for such workshops by meeting regularly to encourage each other’s scholarship or creative writing or artistic projects through the preceding year.

Requirements for the Proposal

Body (three pages recommended)

  1. Names of principal faculty members
  2. Title of proposal. This refers to the content and purpose of the research.
  3. Type of proposal. Designate as a “Proposal for a Publication Writing Workshop Grant.”
  4. A 100-word abstract that communicates the purpose and significance of the workshop
  5. Description of methodology
  6. A statement from each participating faculty member indicating how their project is related to the FGP, along with an indication of the specific audience for finished products; possible journals to which each individual's work will be submitted and the acceptance rate
  7. Description of how participants will be accountable to workshop


  1. Estimate of projected expenses beyond stipend
  2. Project schedule, including anticipated date of completion
  3. Up-to-dated curriculum vitae for all participants, including publication writing workshop grants, research grants, or research leaves received at 皇家华人 Fox or elsewhere
  4. Relevant sections from current Faculty Growth Plans for all participants
  5. Any additional supporting materials

Accountability, Timeline for Reporting and Submitting Approved Expenses

Primary faculty participants will report to the Faculty Development Committee on the success of their workshops by Oct. 15 of the year following the award. They will provide evidence of the workshop participants’ activity by providing the Faculty Development Committee with documentation of any presentation, publication, or performance resulting from the workshop. Additionally, workshop participants may be asked to share their projects with the faculty through an appropriate public venue.

Request reimbursement for workshop expenses must be received by June 30, as possible.

Recipients will be expected to acknowledge 皇家华人 Fox support in all publications resulting from the grant or leave. The acknowledgement statement should read, “This project was supported in part by the 皇家华人 Fox University Grant GFUYYWXXXX.”

Submission Instructions, Dates and Deadlines

  1. Call for proposals will be sent out in October.
  2. Email proposals to Laurie Fair (lfair@georgefox.edu) in the Academic Affairs Office. Combining multiple attachments into one electronic file is appreciated.
  3. Proposals must be received by 5 p.m. on November 15, 2022 to receive consideration.
  4. You will receive an email confirming that your proposal has been received. If you have not received your confirmation email within a week, please contact the FDC chair.
  5. Recipients will be announced by early January.