
Personal Safety Guidelines

Personal Safety Information

Active Shooter Protocol

Assumption:  The presence of an active shooter on campus

 Click for video: 

Persons/Agencies Involved

Initial Response

  1. If you are involved in a situation where someone has entered the area and started shooting, the following are a list of recommended actions: RUN

    1. Exit the building immediately.
    2. Notify anyone you may encounter to exit the building immediately.
    3. Notify the police by calling 911.
    4. Give the 911 0perator the following information:
      • Your name
      • Location of the incident (be as specific as possible)
      • Number of shooters (if known)
      • Identification of shooter (if known)
      • Number of persons who may be involved
      • Your location
    5. Notify Campus Public Safety at 503-554-2090
  2. If you are directly involved and exiting the building is not possible, the following actions are recommended: HIDE

    1. Go to the nearest room or office.
    2. Close the door, lock if possible.
    3. Cover or blockade the door/ windows and shut off lights if time allows.
    4. Keep quiet, silence cell phones, spread out, and act as if no one is in the room.
    5. DO NOT answer the door.
    6. Notify the police by calling 911.
    7. Give the 911 operator the following information:
      • Your name
      • Your location (be as specific as possible)
      • Number of shooters (if known)
      • Identification of shooter (if known)
      • Number of persons who may be involved
      • Wait for the police to assist you out of the building. Always show hands open as to not pose a threat and listen to all their commands.
  3. As a last resort: FIGHT

    If you are trapped and an active shooter enters your area you will need to protect yourself and others. Take action immediately!

    1. Throw anything at the shooter to cause a distraction
    2. Join others to tackle/immobilize shooter
    3. Restrain shooter until help arrives
  4. University Response

    The university will activate Crisis Management Team (CMT) and establish an Emergency Operations Center (EOC).

  5. Campus Lockdown

    Possible initiation of campus lockdown and implementation of emergency notification system.

NOTE: As a campus with unarmed officers, our directive to the officers is to immediately contact the police and then help to evacuate any personnel from the immediate area IF they can do so without becoming a target or making others a target. One officer will contact the student life office to begin the notification procedure which initiates the emergency notification system and procedures outlined previously in this document. When the Newberg Police Department arrives we turn the command over to them and then assist in any way possible as we know the layout of the campus and are able to access facilities.

Everyday Living


Try to avoid entering elevators occupied by strangers. If you are waiting for an elevator with a stranger, stand away from the door to avoid being pushed inside. Get off on the next floor if you feel uneasy. Hit the alarm button if you are accosted on the elevator.

When Walking ...

If You Sense You Are in Trouble

When Driving ...

Because carjacking has become a growing phenomenon, beware of people who:

  1. Yell, honk and point at your car as if something is wrong. If your car breaks down, stay inside and lock the doors. If anyone approaches to help, crack the window and ask them to call the police. Ask non-uniformed and uniformed people to show identification
  2. Motion and ask you to stop and lend assistance. If you want to assist someone whose car has broken down, go to the nearest phone and call the police
  3. Flash headlights at you
  4. Bump your vehicle from behind. If you think you were bumped intentionally, signal the other person to follow you to the nearest police station.

Most importantly, if a person with a weapon confronts you and wants your vehicle, give it up. No car is worth being injured or losing your life over .

Disaster Preparedness

Building Evacuation

Property Theft Prevention

Theft Prevention

Office Equipment

Car Protection

Holiday Security

If you leave campus during the school holidays:

If you stay on campus during the holiday or summer:

If you live off campus and are leaving for vacation:

Personal Information

Not only can thieves steal your physical possessions, they can also use your personal information to steal from you. Many times you unknowingly provide them with this information. Here are some items you should never provide to strangers over the phone:

Bicycle Safety and Security

Please seriously consider whether you want to bring a bike to campus. The vast majority of bikes are never used and suffer severe weather damage or theft. Do not bring expensive bikes-they are targeted by thieves.

Bicycle Safety

Below is a list of safety items that will assist any rider: There are six rules to keep in mind when riding at 皇家华人 Fox:
  1. Always ride on the right side and with the flow of traffic; ride on the road and not on the sidewalks when possible.
  2. Ride predictably, whether on a roadway or in a public area. Maintain a steady course and speed.
  3. Obey all traffic laws. Yes, STOP at intersections. Pedestrians have the right-of-way.
  4. Pay attention to your surroundings; warn pedestrians or fellow riders when you are passing them with, "On your right!"
  5. Likewise, pedestrians should warn bicyclists when they place them in danger. You should also warn drivers if they are placing you in danger with their driving. A quick yell to get their attention should suffice.
  6. Take extra care when passing parking lot exits.

Identifying Your Bicycle

Locking Your Bike

Suspicious Activity / Bike Theft In Progress

Bicycle Accidents

Pedestrian Safety Zones

Regarding mopeds, scooters, and motorcycles: No motorcycle, motor scooter or moped shall be driven, operated, stopped, left standing or parked anywhere except for marked parking lots and streets. These vehicles may not be operated within an area closed to other motor vehicles, and should not be parked close to a building, or underneath a building overhang.

Alcohol Issues

Policy on Controlled Substances and Alcohol

皇家华人 Fox University is committed to providing an environment that maximizes the potential for a drug-and- alcohol-free lifestyle. Possession, consumption, or furnishing alcoholic beverages is prohibited on or off campus by any 皇家华人 Fox University undergraduate student. Possession, use, distribution, and/or being under the influence of alcoholic beverages and/or any illegal substances, or use of tobacco is prohibited by graduate students while on campus, campus property, property designated for university use, attendance at a university activity, or when they are representing the university. Community members also are expected not to abuse legal substances. The use, possession, sale, giving, or exchange of illegal drugs or controlled substances is prohibited by state law and university policy. People who violate the policy are subject to discipline and corrective intervention by the university, including possible suspension, expulsion, and filing of criminal charges.

Peeping Toms

It is usually best not to yell or try to detain an offender. He or she may panic and react in an unpredictable manner. If an offender runs away, note the direction in which she/he traveled. If there is a place from which you can observe safely, watch to see if she/he gets into a car or goes to another residence hall, etc. Try to get a good description of the person and report the incident by calling 503-554-2090 IMMEDIATELY.

Obscene Phone Calls

Report all obscene or threatening phone calls immediately to Campus Public Safety at 503-554-2090. Try to write down the exact wording, if it is a threat. If you have Caller ID, note the phone number.

Ask yourself:

Do not enter into any dialogue with the caller.

Sexual Assault Prevention Tips

Sexual assault is a general term used to describe any unwanted sexual activity. It includes, but is not limited to, rape. Anyone can be the target of sexual assault, regardless of age, gender, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, sexual history, or social class. There is no stereotypical rapist. Acquaintances (people who know each other in some way) are involved in 85 percent of campus rapes in the United States. It is important that you decide what you want to happen in intimate situations.

While you can never completely protect yourself from sexual assault, there are some things you can do to help reduce your risk of being assaulted.

If you need to get out of an uncomfortable or scary situation, here are some things that you can try:

  1. Remember that being in this situation is not your fault. You did not do anything wrong, it is the person who is making you uncomfortable that is to blame.
  2. Be true to yourself. Don't feel obligated to do anything you don't want to do. "I don't want to" is always a good enough reason. Do what feels right to you and what you are comfortable with.
  3. Have a code word with your friends or family so that if you don’t feel comfortable you can call them and communicate your discomfort without the person you are with knowing. Your friends or family can then come to get you or make up an excuse for you to leave.
  4. Lie. If you don’t want to hurt the person’s feelings it is better to lie and make up a reason to leave than to stay and be uncomfortable, scared, or worse. Some excuses you could use are: needing to take care of a friend or family member, not feeling well, having somewhere else that you need to be, etc.
  5. Try to think of an escape route. How would you try to get out of the room? Where are the doors? Windows? Are there people around who might be able to help you? Is there an emergency phone nearby?
  6. If you and/or the other person have been drinking, you can say that you would rather wait until you both have your full judgment before doing anything you may regret later.

If you are sexually assaulted, follow this link